As a companion to the Bicycle Friendly Community Program the League of American Bicyclists announced their rankings on Bicycle Friendly States which focuses on policies, laws, funding and implementation on the state level.
Surprisingly New Jersey came in 9th place, the highest ranking on the East Coast. The state was given praise for it's dedicated bike funding (albeit a paltry $4 million), a statewide mountain bike plan, a hands free cell phone law and an exemplary Safe Routes to Schools program.
On the deficiency side the lack of three foot passing law and a complete streets policy show room for more improvement. And let's face it, infrastructure on the ground is sorely lacking, we'll need our 21 counties and 580 municipalities to step up to the plate.
Hey, that's pretty cool! Maybe we can get some press which would raise awareness... which would make walking/biking an even better option for getting around town!