Friday, February 13, 2009

Montclair Pursues Bike Parking Ordinance

From the Baristanet -

Finding a parking spot in Montclair is a perennial problem plaguing the public - but recently the discussion has spinned over to include bicycles. Montclair Mayor Jerry Fried and the town's planning board attorney Ira Karasic have drafted an ordinance that will make Montclair more bicycle-friendly. It's only mildly surprising coming from Fried, known to champion the benefits - personal and social - of two-wheelin' around town.

The proposed ordinance would require developers to provide safe and secure bicycle parking in any new building or addition to an existing building. That would include commercial, multi-family, recreational facilities and parking lots at transit centers.

While you are perusing that story on Baristanet leave a positive comment, example "I support better bicycling in Montclair and everywhere in NJ." The incendiary nonsense there reminds me of one of my favorite stories in "The Onion" Local Idiot To Post Comment On Internet


  1. Thanks WalkBikeJersey! We're making small steps in Montclair and appreciate the support. We're actually looking for other communities in NJ who have adopted bike parking ordinances to use as examples for our council and the public. If anyone knows of any, please forward!
    Laura Torchio
    Bike Montclair
