On Valentines day a 62 YO woman was killed at the intersection of Levitt Parkway and US 130 in Willingboro crossing into Edgewater Park at Levitt Parkway. The article was featured in the Camden Courier Post, of course the story was never followed up and we may never know the victims name.
This intersection was featured in a November 2006 posting Jersey Barriers Blocking Pedestrians
This intersection was featured in a November 2006 posting Jersey Barriers Blocking Pedestrians
The current intersection note the hyper-extended Jersey barrier (which forces pedestrians into the green lighted traffic) and the occupied bus stop.
Simple safety improvements, removing the extra barrier, adding countdown signals, crosswalks, creating a pedestrian refuge in the center of the road, adding sidewalks.
Its sad that such a predictable "accident waiting to happen" had to kill a cyclist in order to bring this problem into focus. Hopefully this inceident can serve as wake up call for DOT to think bike-ped in their designs and not focus solely on automobiles. Keep up the pressure on this and keep fighting the good fight, John.